Rodrigo Guimarães Institute Anual Event

Last week the annual event of the Instituto Rodrigo Guimarães took place, where we celebrated the life of Rodrigo Guimarães.
It was a very special event that featured speakers who spoke to us about Luck, entrepreneurship and the importance of being willing to leave our comfort zone. Elizabeth Rothfield, Rodrigo Guimarães junior, and Rita Silveira Botelho participated from the Rodrigo Guimarães Institute. And we have the special participation of Graham Miller, who holds the Rodrigo Guimarães Chair in Sustainable Business at Nova SBE Westmont Institute of Tourism & Hospitality, and Entrepreneur Sara do Ó, founder of the Your group.
We thank everyone for the generosity with which they made this event richer and aimed at young scholarship holders.
In addition to the Rodrigo Guimarães scholarship holders, our partner institutions, friends of Rodrigo Guimarães, friends of the Rodrigo Guimarães Institute were also present. There were many individuals who made a point of celebrating Rodrigo's life at this event.
We thank everyone for your presence!

Webside is done!


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