
We want to empower young students to be fair and to share their knowledge! Be generous! Be true and you will be inspiring! May they take advantage of luck! Enjoy it and share it!

Pre University.

We support young people in social support institutions where they live or attend. Those who work with young people not only the educational component, but also the social and family component.

Associação Padre Amadeu Pinto - Website

Casa da Estrela - Website

Casa de S. Francisco de Assis - Website

Carmoteca - Website

We work with private and cooperative teaching institutions to ensure that students with less financial capacity have access to quality education.

Colégio de São Tomás e Colégio de S. José Ramalhão - Website

Colégio de Santa Maria - Website

More information

Get in touch with Instituto Rodrigo Guimarães.


Rodrigo Guimarães Clearwater Scholarship

We are establishing a new scholarship at ISEG for undergraduate in economics or Management for young people with less financial capacity and motivated to achieve success

We have established protocols with Universities and Social supporting Institutions to create Economics and Management scholarships for undergraduate and master's degrees. We are also creating Erasmus scholarships.

In social supporting institutions, we created university scholarships.

Universidade Nova de lisboa - Website

ISEG - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão - Website

Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Website

ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa - Website

Fundação Santa Rafaela Maria - Website

Casa de S. Francisco de Assis - Website

More information

Get in touch with Instituto Rodrigo Guimarães.

More Horizons.

We are designing other responses and open to other initiatives because we want to continue to plant seeds and the desire to learn. We want to help create great entrepreneurs.

We support institutions that work motivation an academic sucess, such as Teach For Portugal - Website

We support programs that promote entrepreneurship, such as Mentes empreendedoras -Website

We created Rodrigo Guimarães Chair at Nova SBE Westmont Institute of Tourism & Hospitality -Website, to attract innovating talent to Portugal to make a difference within the hospitality & tourism sector.

Professor Graham Miller holds the Instituto Rodrigo Guimarães Chair of Sustainable Business at Nova School of Business and Economics, where he is also the Academic Director of the Westmont Institute of Tourism and Hospitality

We created an idea incubator - Step UP - to Start Up! It is for young people aged 16 to 18! @ Step UP - “Its UP to You”. The pilot edition is taking place with more than 140 young people registered! It's completely free. Stay informed about the progress of the program and come see how you can participate! @ Step UP

Come change your future and ours!


  • The eligibility conditions for being able to apply for the Rodrigo Guimarães Scholarship are as follows: having a certain financial condition, being a resident in Portugal, and being endowed with initiative, motivation and commitment characteristics.

    You should consult each protocol or regulation of each university, college or organization with which we establish protocols.

  • If you are a student of a master's or degree in management and economics, you can apply through the faculties with which we have established protocols: Nova SBE, Católica Business School, ISCTE Business School and ISEG.

  • You have to consult the website of the college where you are enrolled, as they will be released in due course.

  • You have to consult the regulation of each university or ask for clarification from each one.

  • If you're in high school, get together with 2, 3 or 4 friends and form a team. Apply for the next edition and become Portugal's next entrepreneur!